Flying supersized can be a very tortuous experience? My wife is well over 500lbs and at times she has some significant issues at times on planes. Everything from having to purchase two seats to having to carry her own seat belt extender to rude flight attendants and passengers can be a real pain in the ass.The worst is when she has to fly for her job and gets booked on one of the small commuter jets and has to actually go out onto the tarmac and climb up into the plane. Hopefully you didn’t experience anything too terrible and your flight was as pleasant as possible.
Flying supersized can be a very tortuous experience? My wife is well over 500lbs and at times she has some significant issues at times on planes. Everything from having to purchase two seats to having to carry her own seat belt extender to rude flight attendants and passengers can be a real pain in the ass.The worst is when she has to fly for her job and gets booked on one of the small commuter jets and has to actually go out onto the tarmac and climb up into the plane. Hopefully you didn’t experience anything too terrible and your flight was as pleasant as possible.