Friday, October 19, 2012
Oh man
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Busy Bee
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Bizarre Magazine is out!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Also GorgeUs Girls Updates annnnd My site Updates!

Monday, June 18, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Sad to say I'm on my way back to Ohio. I had an absolutely wonderful time in Boston. I've been to a million Bashes and this was one of the best! Lots of work to do when I get home. Not looking forward to that part haha!
I hope everyone has a wonderful day and remember those who make it possible for our wonderful free lives <3
Ps- I'm a ginger.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Not for who you'd think. Even Friends can break your heart...
Thursday, May 10, 2012
All I can think about is pirmanti brothers sandwiches right now. I can't focus on work for the life of me! I know in 2 weeks I'm heading back to the east coast for the memorial day bash but I'm seriously considering taking a weekend trip to Pittsburgh. I love that city. I almost moved there... Still might who knows. The aviary is my favorite place, the little shops, the inclines, the museums, the zoo and aquarium, the food... All of it is great and pretty ssbbw friendly if I do say so myself!
I need to get back to work but after writing this I'm almost 100% sure Ash and I have to head over there do a weekend trip. hungry.
I leave you with this silly picture. :) no worries my ankle is better now! Lol
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
New site!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Grand Re-Opening of
Monday, April 30, 2012
Too FAT To Fit!
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
tweet tweet
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
How's the weather?
I just felt the need to say, I love this weather! While most people say its too cold, its perfect for me :) no over heating and I can still wear my cardigans! Haha plus... Flip flops!
Where could I move that the weather is mild and stays around 60 - 70 with July getting a little warmer for swimming? If there is such a place, I'm moving haha
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thank you all for you kind and caring words, they helped more than you'll ever know! I was a hard week but I know this week will be better and so on a so forth. I miss my little kitty all the time but I'm glad she's not in pain. Time to get back to work on my new site. Also a friend and fellow ssbbw model is about to come stay at my house for a few months, I can't tell you how excited I am. I feel so lucky to have a home big enough to share with friends, I can't believe I've been here for 2 years! To be honest these last 2 years have been the best of my life. I'm happy, really happy. I think you have to go through tough times to get to the great ones. It sure does make me appreciate it all.
Here's to a great spring and a wonderful summer to come! I love you guys!
I leave you with a photo of Herman, bc its all I can find on my phone Hahaha love this little guy!
Friday, March 23, 2012

Tomorrow is going to be a very hard day for me. I could use all the love and good vibes sent to me.
I know you all know how passionate i am about animals, and sadly i have to put my kitty down tomorrow. It's a hard decision to make but i know its wrong to make her suffer.
About a week before Valentines day i noticed she wasnt acting like herself, she wasnt playful and didnt seem to be eating. She had an awful smell and was drooling a lot. I took her to the vet to find out that she had kidney failure. They said some cats can live full lives on a special diet and have no issues but most of the time they need put down. i decided to give her the fight she deserves and i was sent home with a home iv fluid bag and special food for her to eat.
Slowly over the next month she regained her weight, the ulcers in her throat minimized, she could eat, play and have fun! A week ago she was 100% back to herself but then she stopped... i watched as she slowly stopped eating, stopped being her happy self an she slipped right back into where she was, i gave her an iv 2 days ago but she still hasnt eaten and she's so thin and frail, i can tell shes in pain. I refuse to put her though hell for my selfish needs and as much as i dont want to i decided that tomorrow i will let her go in peace, it's what she deserves. A little while ago she kept scratching at the back door. she hasnt been outside since she got sick, this struck me as odd. I decided i should let her say goodbye to the neighborhood kitty friends... She hasnt come back... I hope shes out having a good time...
I know this all might be silly for some of you but for those of you who have had a pet who was a part of your family you'd understand. To be honest i never thought i'd have a cat, im more of a dog person as you know, but when she found me it was a perfect match.
A month ago i thought i lost her, then a week ago i was over filled with joy that i saved her and now i sit her in a pain i cant even really put into words.
I'm so very lucky to have gotten to know this sweet little kitty, she can never be replaced. I hope she knows im fighting for her and that i love her enough to release her from this suffering...
I wish i could stop this hurt. But i understand its something i must go through.
Tomorrow is going to be a very hard day.
(pleas pardon all the spelling/grammer errors, im just in no mood to correct them and i needed to get all this out now before i turn into a big blubbering iddiot)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Why hello there!
I know you want me to respond with something equally as nasty as the things you write but I wont. I'm sorry you feel the need to be this way and i hope you can find happiness in your life so that you can move forward and live your life for you. I know you're only doing it to upset me so would it help if i said it does?
I wish everyone only the best, even those who dont care for me. It's ok, I forgive you. You need to forgive yourself.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
So much work to do in the next month, I'm pretty excited! This summer is going to be as great if not better than last summer, I can see it already!
How is everyone doing here?
Monday, February 20, 2012
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Valentines Day
I had a friend who was a femnazi but secretly wanted to be a girly girl but had this rough exterior who didn't want anyone to know she was just as frail as the rest of us can be. When it was close to Valentines day she asked if I could help her out. You see she had just started dating a guy for a few months and she already talked about how wrong it was for men to feel obligated to do romantic things and how she was so against it but in fact she kind of wanted to go on a date and do something special but she was afraid of what he might think of her. She asked if I would ask in a group setting what everyone was doing for that special day... what happened when i did, it nearly broke my heart and was one of the many reason for that friendship ending.
So one night when we were all together hanging out i popped the question. Everyone but they answer with the normal stuff like, nothing or dinner, then it came to him... He said how fake and wrong the holiday was and how it was a shitty hallmark day and was absolutely against it. The room was quiet for a moment then my friend spoke up... "Yea Kelly, that's just a made up fake holiday to make people feel shitty, to do something on that day just means you're buying into the whole fake money making scheme. I mean come on."
I felt like shit... here i was.. asking for her and she just made me look like an asshole... I just wanted to help her out and all it did was make me feel sick. It really made me take a long look at the friendship and really wonder what kind of person she was to throw me under the bus to make herself look better... and this was only one of the many times she did something like that too...
Now on to what i REALLY feel about the holiday.
It's nice. I mean, why not? You don't NEED to do something on that day but it doesn't hurt to do something special for your loved ones. It doesn't have to be a romantic thing either, Every year my dad busy me and my sister big boxes of chocolates and cards and we usually have dinner together. Nothing fancy just being together.
Have i ever had a romantic valentines day? no, but maybe one day I will and I'm ok with waiting for it. But i wouldn't be crushed if it never happened either. I won't lie, I've always liked the idea of getting flowers and chocolates but I will be realistic about that happening too! haha I show the people i love them every chance i get, i don't need a special day to do it but i love doing something extra special. This year I'm doing some arts and crafts things with my nieces and nephews, it'll be great and i'm sending flowers to a few single friends who i know are feeling lonely this year. And that's ok. Being sad is ok, being happy is ok. Just don't be mad. It's just another day, make the best of it :)
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Finally home and back on a normal schedule! I'll be taking a break from traveling for a couple months I think. I'm saving up to get myself a better computer, I'm hoping for a MAC lol I've been working on new material for my sites, including more stuff with my skinny girlfriend. Have any suggestions? We always have such a blast. Well time to get ready, I'm going out to a party tonight, first one in... Years! Bashes don't count bc ill be the only fat girl there!
Here a few pics from a set I took today. I love winter!
I hope everyone's doing great!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Seriously... Fuck today. I'm so aggravated I can't even begin to write about it...
Fucking Fuck.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Leeeeeaving on a jet plane!
First time flying in almost 300 pounds! Wish me luck, it was hard at 300 wonder what 600 will be like!
This airport is almost empty!